Friday, February 10, 2006

Arguments for God

To make up for my ultraweak post this morning I am posting a top 10 list.

During my many years as an atheist I have often asked people ‘why they believe in God?’, or ‘how they know God exists?’, or ‘what evidence they posses to support their claims?’ This list is the top ten answers I have received, listed in no particular order.

1. Fuck you!!!

2. Duh…he’s God.

3. I feel him here (while pointing to some inane part of their body, which likely contains unidentified cancer)

4. I…I…I just know

5. Fuck off!!!

6. How else do you explain this!!! (while gesturing to a bar full of drunken people, I’ve often though of drunks as being closest to ‘god’.

7. My mom and dad and that guy with the white collar told me there was a god.

8. But…there just has to be a god.

9. Who do you think wrote the bible asshole!!!

10. Why do don’t you go kill yourself you atheist pig. Fuck You!!!! (occassionally accompanied by spittle/giant green gobs).

Sorry for the strong language in this post, I’m just reciting the statements they way they were said to me, often in a rather venomous tone.

1 comment:

tj fame said...

saw you stopped by my site just want to say the reason I know GOD exists is because:

1.this earth and the galaxy didnt create itself just look at the sun and moon

2.God is a spirit and that spirit is LOVE

3.I have seen people be healed of cancer and sickness i have ssen jobs come to the jobless when there was no

4.even satan believes in GOD!

I see you searching for answers and you may be a cynic but God Still loves you man! I can tell you are smart and actually have some of the same views I do about politics man

anyway God bless and check my blog when you get a chance to see whats hip and cool in the urban world!