Friday, February 10, 2006

Feb 10 - A sad week for cool science

Well irony has jumped up and slapped me in the face this week as the amount of ‘cool’ science is rather limited. Despite this I have trawled the net and compiled some of the more interesting scientific finds.

Oetzi Man – 5200 years later and he’s still being picked on.

Earlier this week scientists reported that through the aid of genetic analysis they were able to determine that he carried genetic defects consistent with modern infertility. It is speculated that his inability to get it up was the reason he was shunned and outcast to the inhospitable mountains to die. Man, have times changed!! All you sterile men take this as a warning in the even the history repeats itself.

Iceman may have been infertile.

The ultimate men’s bathroom….

Self cleaning materials have been touted as the way of the future, however they traditionally have only responded to wavelengths present in natural sunlight. New work has created titanium based nano particles that respond to a large range of wavelengths making them more practical for use in hospitals…and yes…your home bathroom.

A bathroom that cleans itself.

Unfortunately this is the only ‘worthy’ science news this week.

Remember…this is a good ebaums day.

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