Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Letter to Ezra Levant

Ezra Levant (excuse my neglect in using introductory salutations but you do not deserve them),

After hearing about the reprint of cartoons depicting Mohammed I admit I was a little surprised, but really thought nothing more of it. I’m caught in between believing in freedom of the press, and respect for all. You see, your act embodies the one and not the other, however I didn’t not totally disagree with what you did. That is of course until I saw you on Canada AM this morning.

Your display on Canada AM was despicable. I am embarrassed to share the same country with you. Mr. Elmasry looked like a beacon of composure and warmth compared to you. As soon as you hit the air waves you lashed out in a very childish and disrespectful manner (you idiot, you stupid gun-totting western idiot, what the hell were you thinking!!!). Ezra, the problem is, you are a racial bigot. And you see, I now feel I can say anything I please, because to paraphrase your words from this morning, ‘I am not afraid of defamation of character charges, I am only expressing my freedom of speech.’ Well, I never thought there was anyone as stupid as you in our country, but then again every country has them. If I were from Calgary I think I would be moving right now, as it is likely your stupid, thoughtless comments that will stir more of a backlash than your reprint of the cartoons.

Ezra, you said some very stupid things. And, if some bad luck should befall you I don’t think I would think twice, no twinge of pity or sympathy for you. Perhaps we can get you shipped to the Middle East on grounds of stupidity, you wouldn’t last two minutes.

Ezra, as a last note, I just wanted to let you know that there are likely some gay people in Calgary, you may want to consider moving…

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