I think the root of my problem is that I rationalize too much. I tend to take the ‘human’ element out of situations and try to analyze them with cold hard logic. To me this makes perfect sense and I base the vast majority of my decisions on this type of rational thinking. What I can’t seem to understand are people who infuse everything with illogical emotion.
I’m lucky that the group of people I work with for the most part are level headed and logical. But in the past I have worked with the super-emotional-flakes that I just want to slap. They drone on and on an on about pointless illogical crap. These are generally the same people who live in their own little ignorant worlds, fully of teddy bears and anti-depressants. The same people who do nothing but cry when they get drunk…man those people piss me off.
My favourite thing to do when people are acting irrational is to push their buttons with more irrational things. It is awesome to watch them explode, and then calmly ask them “So, why exactly did you just freak out when I smiled at you (or someother benign action)?” That’s when the incoherent justification of someone who is about to realize how stupid they’ve been comes.
I know I sound heartless, and perhaps I am, but I sure as hell have a good time while I’m at it. Wow…..hows that for a morning…pre-coffee rant =-]
While rationality may keep you safe, emotionality may keep you warm...if they are used carefully. Both are necessary for long-term relationships.
James. I have a 40 year old son whose brain works just like yours. I'd never go to him if I needed a shoulder to cry on, BUT if I needed to know all the consequences of a particular course of action, he'll be quick to tell me just what I don't want to hear.
This post seems to have drawn lots of attention.
Eve - thanks...I guess I sort of fit the stereotypical male mold, but I like to think that I'm a little more 'aware' thank the stereotype.
Bonita - I agree that both are required, however, I feel that cool rationality is best unblemished by emotions and is sometimes required to make the difficult decisions.
Bubbie - yep that sounds like me.
Faux Couture - LOL - I'm in my late 20's, married (believe it or not), and I actually 'did' grow up in a home with pleny of hugs and kisses. My wife understands me and accepts the way I am. We agree to disagree on lots issues and it actually works quite well for us.
=-]...statistics eh...that sounds a little dry.
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