So far this olympics it seems as though Canada has been really good at choking. But, we finally won one of the medals we are supposed to. Now it is time for the men to step up and start playing some real hockey. If not Wayne better kick some ass!!!
Last time, 'Ramblings of an atheist -1', I vaguely discussed my reasons for being an atheist. In this post I plan to expand on that.
I am an atheist, not because I don’t want to believe but because I can’t believe. Some people are atheist because of a single event (‘How could a God let this happen? How could a God allow for so much injustice in the world? Etc. etc.), others are atheists because they don’t understand the possibility of so many religions with different Gods. While these are all arguments against the existence of God, they really aren’t that strong. And as such, religious people have fairly quick, and half way reasonable responses to these issues. ‘God presents himself in different forms to different people. God gives us the power of freewill and thus anything that happens is not truly an act of God, unless of course it is a miracle…umm…wha?.
Before you start attacking me for hating all religious people…I don’t. I believe that people are entitled to their own beliefs as long as they are respectful of other people. In other words, if believing in God helps you sleep at night, ‘then great’, because quite frankly I don’t want to deal with you when you are grumpy due to lack of sleep. On the other hand, if you want to debate religion, I’m all game.
The biggest problem I have with God is that it requires faith. I am a man of science, meaning I like to see evidence for theories, facts that either support or refute hypothesis, etc. Whenever I try to apply anything halfway logical to the concept of a supreme being I only encounter speculation. Yea yea, I know,’ everything around us is evidence of God’…what!!!
I would love to know that a God exits, and that there is more to life than this, but until I’m given a reason to believe, I cannot. The usual response is, ‘that must be a very lonely life’. Actually its not, I have a great life, great relationships, and great friends (most of who are religious, but lack the ‘religious fervor’ (which is an issue for another time)).
Just because I don’t believe in God doesn’t mean that I can explain everything. The first thing that usually happens when someone finds out that I am an atheist is to ask me to explain something, or a whole slue of things. Lets see…there is ‘how did the universe start? How did life start? Etc.’ To which I answer ‘I don’t know, do you?’ And they reply, ‘God’. The problem is that religious people invoke God to explain the unknown because they are afraid of the unknown. This has been happening since the ‘dawn of man’. Who knows, perhaps other species believe in their own gods as well, ‘these gods would be responsible for the miraculous flakes that appear on a daily basis in the fishes bowl, or lava-lamp in a lizards cage’. The point is, people invoke ‘God’ to explain that which they cannot explain or fathom. It was long held that the sun moved across the sky because it was a flaming chariot tethered to a God.
Well, I think its time for a break before my head explodes. Next time I think I’ll discuss the question; ‘Are all Atheists selfish gluttons with any moral compass due to their heathenness?’
Despite being a proclaimed atheist I still find the concept of religions and their individual beliefs fascinating. Perhaps that fact that I am an atheist is why I find them so fascinating.
I recently came across this page, Baha’i Views which is an excellent source for information and commentary on the Baha’i faith and their views. As of about two days ago I was completely ignorant to the Baha’i faith, despite having taken a ‘world religions’ class.
Here I will attempt to summarize what in my opinion are the key points of the Baha’i faith, at least those that I find interesting. Please feel free to correct me if I err on certain points as I likely will. Most of this information is paraphrased from Baha'i.org
Any text in italics are my questions or comments.
GOD: The Baha’i believe in one God who created the universe. This one God is responsible for the prophets (messengers) in all of their incarnations; including: Abraham, Zoroaster,
1) Why allow for people to fall into separate individual religions that at times hate eachother if they are all emissaries for one God?
2) How do we know that some of these messengers really existed and weren’t created by people? Many mythical and deital beings are created by people looking for answers.
PURPOSE OF LIFE: Religion gives life purpose. If live were the result of ‘chance’ then “Each individual human being would represent the temporary material existence of a conscious animal trying to move through his brief life with as much pleasure and as little pain and suffering as possible.”
This seems like a circular argument. For life to have meaning (purpose) we must have a religion. For a religion to exist there must be a purpose to life.
What if, perhaps, there was not purpose to life, yet religions were created as a way to maintain a stable society? Perhaps Moses was a genius in the method he used to persuade his followers? For most, if not all people, the most frightening is the unknown. So Moses invokes God, and people fall into line and listen.
Sorry for the extremely brief and likely unjust discussion of the Baha’i faith. But I do find it fascinating nonetheless and plan on posting more details in the future.
Spyder, an American Skiwear company has developed flexible armour that can be fitted into a ski suit. This material while normally flexible becomes rigid upon impact. Aside from the skiing industry the potential for this material is incredible. A light-weight flexible armour could revolutionize countless contact sports and the military.
Anyone who has played Civ IV knows about space elevator in concept. Well, the baby steps are under way. A special carbon fiber cable was tethered to balloons 1.6 km above the surface. The cable performed as expected however, the robots design to crawl up and down the cable were only able to reach 460m above ground surface.
Researchers evolve a complex genetic trait in the lab
Hear I go again – picking on the west, well not far west, just the foothills area. Its not that I dislike Westerners its just that they always seem to be the ones to do things that get me going. Like, Ezra Levant, of the Western Standard for instance.
It seems like
Now that I’ve thoroughly distracted myself I’ll return to the purpose of this post. The Western Standard. Well, I can tell you one thing, their strategy to boost readership must be working, but in the process they are turning their paper into a rag. Whether or not it was a rag before I can’t comment, but if they keep up at they pace they are going it will be Canadians and not Muslims that they will have to worry about. The Western Standard recently ran an article calling Ralph Klein’s (Alberta Premier) an ‘indian’. Now normally that is not much more than something you just don’t say (especially in an edited paper). The exact quote goes like this:
“Once she [Colleen] stops being the premier's wife, she goes back to being just another Indian."
I am amazed at the idiocy of the Western Standard. You just can’t say stuff like this anymore. I implore citizens of Alberta to standup and tear down the institutions that are making all of you look like Ignant, Gun-toting, Ethnic Hating, Gay Hating, Bible Thumping rednecks.
And before you start ripping into me about being an ‘Onterrible’, I’ve lived in
Ughh…yes, yet another creatively titled post. I’m sure that no one else has titled a blog ‘Hump Day’, either today or in the past. And yet, that’s all I can think of. This week seems as though it is taking forever to pass, yet, I have accomplished relatively nothing. A ridiculously long assignment sits on my desk relatively untouched, and I have a presentation to finish. …blah..blah..blah
On a more entertaining note, ‘Forget-me-not panties’ were brought to my attention. These are hilarious and worth a look.
Alright, I think that’s all I’ve got for today…wow I suck.
Ezra Levant (excuse my neglect in using introductory salutations but you do not deserve them),
After hearing about the reprint of cartoons depicting Mohammed I admit I was a little surprised, but really thought nothing more of it. I’m caught in between believing in freedom of the press, and respect for all. You see, your act embodies the one and not the other, however I didn’t not totally disagree with what you did. That is of course until I saw you on
Your display on Canada AM was despicable. I am embarrassed to share the same country with you. Mr. Elmasry looked like a beacon of composure and warmth compared to you. As soon as you hit the air waves you lashed out in a very childish and disrespectful manner (you idiot, you stupid gun-totting western idiot, what the hell were you thinking!!!). Ezra, the problem is, you are a racial bigot. And you see, I now feel I can say anything I please, because to paraphrase your words from this morning, ‘I am not afraid of defamation of character charges, I am only expressing my freedom of speech.’ Well, I never thought there was anyone as stupid as you in our country, but then again every country has them. If I were from
Ezra, you said some very stupid things. And, if some bad luck should befall you I don’t think I would think twice, no twinge of pity or sympathy for you. Perhaps we can get you shipped to the
Ezra, as a last note, I just wanted to let you know that there are likely some gay people in
This is the second time the topic of ‘cynics’ has come up in the past week. I see myself as a cynic, whether that proclamation automatically discredits me as being a cynic I know not.
A cynic as defined by dictionary.com is:
- a person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness;
- a person whose outlook is scornfully and habitually negative;
- someone who is critical of the motives of others
The definition describes me to a ‘T’. Not only am I ‘scornful and habitually negative’ I take great pleasure in seeing ill fall to someone whom I perceive deserves it.
For example, I relish in the knowledge that Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fellow hunter on the weekend (I am also glad that the hunter is relatively unhurt). I get great satisfaction of out know that one of ‘daddy’s buddy’s’ and a giant ignoramus f’d up. It really is a glorious feeling.
Another example, I love to see self proclaimed Christians acting in very unchristian manners (especially since I am an atheist). When I see this happen, I rather ‘scornfully’ pipe up and say ‘That’s not very Christian of you! What would Jesus do? Or’ and my favourite ‘Your going to burn!!!!’ Hahaha…that always evokes a very pleasant reaction from said person…especially if its your mother. Even better is a Bible thumper, its been a long time since I’ve tangled with a bible thumper. They are so blindly passionate and believe that God cannot make typos.
Another example is government (especially the governments I don’t like, The Republicans, The Canadian Alliance, and … The Republicans), I relish and opportunity to poke fun at their mistakes. Recent examples include, Dick Cheney (see above) shooting someone (see above), Mr. (err. Prime Minister) Harper breaking two of his campaign promises immediately he is sworn in, and countless bushism’s that the Americans apparently find endearing.
Perhaps I am not so much a cynic but rather an admirer of irony. I live for ironic events. The Christian who wants to kick my ass, and then murder some gays all in the name of a merciful and benevolent god, or the cocky as shit undergrad who tells me how ‘he is going to destroy my class’ and then barely passes, or ….well I can’t think of anymore right now (maybe it’s the time) but I think I’ll start keeping a list.
And lastly, just for curiosities sake:
Irony – the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning; An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; and Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.
The following post is taken from the first book (The Gunslinger) of Stephen King’s “The Dark Tower" series. It is a interesting but not altogether new look at the universe and is fun to read every once in a while.
The universe (he said) is the Great All, and offers a paradox too great for the finite mind to grasp. As the living brain cannot conceive of a nonliving brain – although it may think it can – the finite mind cannot grasp the infinite.
The prosaic fact of the universe’s existence alone defeats both the pragmatists and the romantic. There was a time, yet a hundred generations before the world moved on, when mankind had achieved enough technical and scientific prowess to chip a few splinters from the great stone pillar of reality. Even so, the false light of science (knowledge if you like) shone in only a few developed countries. One company (or cabal) led the way in this regard; North Central Positronics, it called itself. Yet, despite a tremendous increase in available facts, there were remarkably few insights.
“Gunslinger, our many-times-great grandfathers conquered the disease-which-rots, which they called cancer, almost conquered aging, walked on the moon –“
“I don’t believe that,” the gunslinger said flatly.
To this the man in black merely smiled and answered, “You needn’t. Yet it was so. They made or discovered a hundred marvelous baubles. But this wealth of information produced little or no insight. There were no great odes written to the wonders of artificial insemination – having babies from frozen mansperm – or to the cars that ran on power from the sun. Few if any seemed to have grasped the truest principle of reality: new knowledge leads always to yet more awesome mysteries. Greater physiological knowledge of the brain makes existence of the soul less possible yet more probable by the nature of the search. Do you see? Of course you don’t. You’ve reached the limits of your ability to comprehend. But never mind – that’s besides the point.”
“What is the point, then?”
“The greatest mystery the universe offers is not life but size. Size encompasses life, and the Tower encompasses size. The child, who is the most at home with wonder, says: Daddy, what is above the sky? And the father says: the darkness of space. The child: What is beyond space? The father: The galaxy. The child: Beyond the galaxy? The father: Another galaxy. The child: Beyond the other galaxies? The father: No one knows.
“You see? Size defeats us. For the fish, the lake in which he lives is the universe. What does the fish think when he is jerked up by the mouth through the silver limits of existence and into a new universe where the air drowns him and the light is blue madness? Where huge bipeds with no gills stuff it into a suffocating box and cover it with wet weeds to die?
“Or one might take the tip of a pencil and magnify it. One reaches the point where a stunning realization strikes home: The pencil-tip is not solid; it is composed of atoms which whirl and revolve like a trillion demon planets. What seems solid to us is actually only a loose net held together by gravity. Viewed at their actual size, the distances between these atoms might become leagues, gulfs, aeons. The atoms themselves are composed of nuclei and revolving protons and electrons. One may step down further to subatomic particles. And then to what? Tachyons? Nothing? Of course not. Everything in the universe denies nothing; to suggest an ending is the one absurdity.
“If you fell outward to the limit of the universe, would you find a board fence and signs reading DEAD END? No. You might find something hard and rounded, as the chick must see the egg from the inside. And if you should peck through the shell (or find a door), what great and torrential light might shine through your opening at the end of space? Might you look through and discover our entire universe is but part of one atom on a blade of grass? Might you be forced to think that by burning a twig you incinerate an eternity of eternities? That existence rise not to one infinite but to an infinity of them?
“Perhaps you saw what place our universe plays in the scheme of things – as no more than an atom in a blade of grass. Could it be that everything we can perceive, from the microscopic virus to the distant Horsehead Nebula, is contained in one blade of grass that may have existed for only a single season in an alien time-flow? What if that blade should be cut off by a scythe? When it begins to die, would the rot seep into our own universe and our own lives, turning everything yellow and brown and desiccated? Perhaps it’s already begun to happen. We say the world has moved on; maybe we really mean that it has begun to dry up.
“Think how small such a concept of things makes us, gunslinger! If a God watches over it all, does He actually mete out justice for a race of gnats among an infinitude of race of gnats? Does His eye see the sparrow fall when the sparrow is less than a speck of hydrogen floating disconnected in the depth of space? And if He does see… what must the nature of such a God be? Where does He live? How is it possible to live beyond infinity?
“Imagine the sand of the
“Size, gunslinger….size…
“Yet suppose further. Suppose that all worlds, all universes, met in a single nexus, a single pylon, a Tower. And within it, a stairway, perhaps rising to the Godhead itself.
Would you dare climb to the top, gunslinger? Could it be that somewhere above all of endless reality, there exists a Room?...
“You dare not”
And in the gunslingers mind, those words echoed: You dare not.
Many…many…many people have dreamed about ruling the world. And so far none have succeeded, not even God. Whom, of all people should have the easiest time. Ah, yes, I almost forgot, the reason he doesn’t rule the world is because he doesn’t exist. Nevertheless, the secret to ruling the world is through a deity and the religious fervor that goes with it. If history has taught us anything it is that; hell hath no fury like a holy war.
Just look at the state of the world today, every monotheistic religion has their nuts (I’m sure the polytheists have their nuts as well, but perhaps they’re just a little more subdued). But not only that, the nuts do whatever they think god wants them to do. Some strap bombs to their chests, others prefer little boys, and some prefer to hate anything that is not white and heterosexual.
So the question is: “How does one unite all of these religious fanatics under one banner?” let alone getting them to sit in the same room. The answer is to become their god and capitalize on the next coming as it will truly be a global event. The down fall of previous prophets/gods/power-mongers was that they didn’t have the internet, TV, or satellite radio. In today’s modern age the only people that will be left out will be are those living in the rainforest.
Now we need to unite them under one banner, how? How do you unite billions of people who share different beliefs, have different cultures, and prefer different types of meat (I don’t know about you but a shitzu does sound tasty). The answer is quite simple, you have to focus on the nuts, the crazy’s. “Now listen here James, if you try to form another cult I’ll kick your ass out of my basement so fast…!!” “Yes mom….”.
Okay, so going the cult route has been vetoed by my mother, but perhaps there is another option. The next ruler of the world needs to set up sleeper cells that slowly recruit people to their ‘training camps’. Don’t forget the lure, you need something to lure people to your cult, people looking for a place to belong. So an edict is sent out to recruit all of the first borns…..err….we’ll settle for the stereotypically disaffected youth. You know the ones who are ‘individuals’ and being themselves. “And for God sakes don’t let the recruits take any lessons this time!!! No flying lessons, no boxing lessons, no whacking lessons….NO LESSONS!” The recruits are commanded to hide out until a large enough force is formed and the time is right.
Jumping forward 30 years, we now have tens of thousands of fat, old, lazy, socially awkward religious nuts holed up all across the world. The time has come to set the plan in motion. “Onward soldiers of GOD (or whatever you choose to call yourself, god does have a nice ring to it though), go forward and reclaim that which is rightfully yours…"
Minutes later, half of them die in the effort required to turn off the tv, another ¼ melt in the sunlight, and the lucky few that don’t die from tubbiness get their asses handed to them by Mounties on big f’n horses.
This all sounds pretty dismal from a ruling the world point of view. But the world has indeed been united, and best of all, all of the religious nuts are dead, keeled over in hallways across the world, and wearing track pants that are possibly soiled.
Brb….some recruitment agent just knocked on my door…
During my many years as an atheist I have often asked people ‘why they believe in God?’, or ‘how they know God exists?’, or ‘what evidence they posses to support their claims?’ This list is the top ten answers I have received, listed in no particular order.
1. Fuck you!!!
2. Duh…he’s God.
3. I feel him here (while pointing to some inane part of their body, which likely contains unidentified cancer)Sorry for the strong language in this post, I’m just reciting the statements they way they were said to me, often in a rather venomous tone.
Well irony has jumped up and slapped me in the face this week as the amount of ‘cool’ science is rather limited. Despite this I have trawled the net and compiled some of the more interesting scientific finds.
Oetzi Man – 5200 years later and he’s still being picked on.
Earlier this week scientists reported that through the aid of genetic analysis they were able to determine that he carried genetic defects consistent with modern infertility. It is speculated that his inability to get it up was the reason he was shunned and outcast to the inhospitable mountains to die. Man, have times changed!! All you sterile men take this as a warning in the even the history repeats itself.
Iceman may have been infertile.
The ultimate men’s bathroom….
Self cleaning materials have been touted as the way of the future, however they traditionally have only responded to wavelengths present in natural sunlight. New work has created titanium based nano particles that respond to a large range of wavelengths making them more practical for use in hospitals…and yes…your home bathroom.
A bathroom that cleans itself.
Unfortunately this is the only ‘worthy’ science news this week.
This commentary will discuss the intricacies of how to rise to power while pissing off the entire electorate of a riding. Who knows, perhaps we can all learn how to be true cowards from this.
David Emerson is another federal politician from the ever federalist
After this it gets boring….click the Wiki link if you want to know more.
Now things start to get interesting. Emerson, the current MP of Vancouver-Kingsway was elected as Liberal in both 2004 and 2006, and his predecessor in the 2004 was also a Liberal, and before that a Liberal. In fact the last time the Conservatives won the seat was way back in 1958. Days shortly after his election in the 2006 he cowardly defects to the Conservatives so he can have a cabinet position and ‘forward the interests of his riding’. And to top it all off… he refuses to run in a by election (at least he’s smart enough to know that the people who elected him only vote liberal).
During the election campaign he referred to Jack Layton (leader of the NDP Party) as having a ‘boiled dog’s head smile’. Wow!....Wow! I couldn’t even think of something like that….I mean…this guy is a genius.
But then again Emerson is known to be full of shit which is evidenced by a comment he made on election night (Jan 23, 06). "I'm going to be Stephen Harper's worst enemy,"..."We're going to stir the pot and you better believe we are going to make a heck of a lot of noise."
Mr. Emerson (not that you will ever see this) I am disgusted that you are an elected member of our country. Your post-election switch to the Conservative Party is the equivalent of a military-coo in